Sunday, October 18, 2015

How To Keep Your Gas In A Boxing Match (part 1 of 2)

You often see this: a boxer who are overly aggressive in the first few rounds and then stalls at later rounds because he doesn't have any gas left in his tank. Professional or not, a boxer who loses his energy rapidly that he cannot go any longer and eventually lose the fight. No matter how hard a boxer punches or how strong his chin is, if he has no gas in his tank will likely not win.

That said, it is vital for a boxer to conserve as much energy as he can and use it at the right times. Accept it, your energy is limited, and when you are out of gas, you are out of gas. There should be no argument about that.

So how can you conserve the limited energy you have? Let us take a look at these tips:

Do not do any meaningless movement – Keep your balance but not welcoming punches as a static target. You always want your movement to be unpredictable but that doesn't include jumping around the ring like the jack who just got out from the box. Do not waste your energy on some showboating or impressing the crowd with your new dance moves. Use your energy wisely. Engage when you he is in your striking distance.

Lean on a clinch – Excessive clinching may cost you an important point but if you are engaged in one, lean and press your weight against your opponent. Leaning during a clinch has two purposes: it allows you to rest even for a second and it saps the energy of your opponent. Alternately, do not wrestle or fight if you are on a clinch. Let your opponent push you if he wants to (except into a corner).

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